Sunday, February 10, 2013

Year 2 Day 76


Got to sleep until 8:00 this morning. Now that's winning right there.

I went to Weight Training, and actually got to do the workout this morning. That was good. We talked about Kettlebells and did workouts with them. That was pretty sweet.

I went to Chapel, then went on a 5 mile bike ride since it was so nice outside. I then came back and showered, and headed to lunch and Differentiated Instruction.

After class, I came back to the room and did some major homework before heading to People's City Mission. Today was the first day we were actually working with the kids. Man, there was one point where 5 little boys came into the chapel at once. They were loud and rambunctious, but they got calmed down quickly. This little girl, Jordan, was just adorable. We went through her letters, and we switched roles at one point. She said, "I'll be the teacher now, you be the kid." It was so cute. Then I worked with Haley and Thomas, and they kept talking to each other. I told them it was a race to see who could get their homework done first, and whoever won would get candy. I am giving them both Reese's PB cups next week. Haley was so funny. She was working on adding with decimals, so she would be counting in a whisper, then she would break out in the song Thrift Shop. Here's an example: "9...10...11...12...I wear your granddad's clothes....7...8...9...I look incredible." Bahahaha. I just couldn't stop laughing about that.

After PCM, I ate dinner quick, then went back to the room and got my stuff together for Fidelity. It's always great to be with those girls.

I worked Intramurals for the rest of the night. It was the tournament, so tonight's the last night I have to work. Taylor, Cody, and Ben stuck around, so after the tournament was done, we played 2v2 volleyball and 2v2 basketball. SO much fun. We couldn't stop laughing.

Taylor and I stayed up until 2 talking afterwards. And I wasn't even tired. Imagine that :) I love my roomie.

"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation ..." Luke 2:29-30

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