Friday, November 23, 2012

Year 2, Day 1 Praise God from who all blessings flow ♫

Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!

I love today. It's gotta be the greatest holiday there is. Especially because we have it at our house :)

We cleaned up the house in the morning, then my mom's side of the family came over. Now, this year was the small side, which meant my aunt and her family went to my uncle's side this year, and one of my uncles and his family went to my aunt's side. Which left my Uncle Greg, Aunt Pat, Mark, Tracry and Matt, and Grandma and Grandpa. David couldn't make it this time cuz he went to see Allie :) I can't wait for him to ask her to marry him.

The food was yummy, the nap was great, and the company was excellent. My grandpa was telling us (me and Leah) about his college escapade, and how he went to college the hard way, but he has definitely showed our whole family what it means to work hard. He only took night classes through the University of MN, so what he would do is get up at 4am to study, that way he had time to spend with his family in the afternoons and evening before night class. He did this for 5 years. How cool is that!

My grandma was so cute today too. After we had all eaten pie, I was sitting in the rocking chair just watching the football game, and she comes up and says "Now, I was reading your articles from soccer, and I just wanted to tell you how wonderful a granddaughter I have." Ahh, thanks Grandma :)

After the family peaced out, Leah and I watched Once Upon A Time for the rest of the night. I am almost caught up!!

Life can't really get any better than this. And every time I say that, God goes and shows me it can.

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