Monday, Monday.
Just another manic Monday. Two more weeks of classes. I need to sleep in my fantastic bed at home and relax a bit.
Physics started out the day. I got my homework done during class! Winner!!
I then went to chapel, which was great!
JTop for homework after that. I am functioning at a rather nice pace today, even though I am working on not enough sleep lol
Faith and Life was good today, as always.
Lunch was lunch, as it seems to be that lately.
Interp, man. Hotlorf is pretty awesome. I brought skittles to class, and he definitely helped himself, it was hilarious!
Science of Everyday Things finished up the day of classes, then came the captain's meetings.
After that, I came back and worked on some stuff before going to dinner with Lou.
After dinner I came back to the room and worked on some more stuff before getting ready for practice.
Practice was good, but all I want to be doing is working on my exegetical and other homework, I don't really want to be going to soccer. Oh well, though.
After practice, I came back to my room and hung out with Ben for awhile before going to our IM basketball game. We won in overtime :)) It was pretty exciting.
After that, we came back to the dorm. Ben leaves for Nationals in the morning. So we won't get to see each other until Sunday. Crazy. Yep, I'm definitely going to miss him.
“Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5
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