This morning began at its normal time. And that would be 7:30. This is starting to become a habit. Saturdays are going to be ruined from now on. Oh well, I guess.
I had Physics this morning. Now that we have it as an 8:30 class instead of 11:10, I think I like it even more. My stomach isn't growling the whole time waiting for lunch haha.
I went to chapel, then headed to Janzow top to do some reading before class again.
Faith and Life was really interesting today. We had to pair up with someone we didn't really know and do a bunch of things Reek was telling us, like answer some questions to get to know each other, etc.Then, to end the class, we had to stare into each other's eyes for 90 seconds. Without talking. Now we could blink and stuff, it wasn't a contest. It was just interesting to see that even though you had just met that person and still probably didn't know much about them, after staring into their eyes, you felt like you knew so much more. Even though you probably really didn't. You felt like you did. It was a pretty crazy exercise.
I then went to lunch, then to Janzow top again to finish something up for Interp.
Tori and I chatted for awhile. I love that girl. She never ceases to amaze me.
We went to Interp. Man, that class. I just can't get enough of it. And I love sitting next to Annalisa during it. She's going to make an incredible DCE, I can tell you that much.
After class, I came back to the room and just relaxed. I watched the episode of PLL, then ended up falling asleep. Our entire room fell asleep. Audrey came back and fell asleep, Taylor was out in the cozy sack, Lou came back and fell asleep. It was a long week for all of us I guess haha. A nap had never felt more amazing.
After napping, we started watching Legally Blonde. That movie is stinking hilarious. We ordered pizza and ate in our room tonight. It was a nice night to chill as roomies. I am so blessed to have all of them as roommates :)
Taylor did the dishes. Love that girl.
After the movies were done, Audrey had to work, and Taylor and I went to SAC bowling with Ben and Tori. I need to pick up my bowling skills. Ha, it was a rough night for me lol.
After bowling, we made a Sweet Tea run, then went to the game room to chill with Audrey and play pool and ping pong.
Life's good, I'm blessed ♥
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God -- through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:24-25
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