Saturday! I'm all caught up :)
This morning, I woke up and read a little bit/did some organizing and homework, then went to eat lunch.
After lunch, I came back to the room and worked on a few things before going to work the basketball games. The girl's one a landslide victory, and Dordt beat them last time. I'm glad they are finally able to get their mojo back together. I was getting a little worried for awhile there.
The boys lost a tough one. They hung with them for awhile, but weren't able to get it in the end.
After the game, Ben and I helped Lou move a rug to the Moffit house for next year.
Then we headed to Walmart to get some food to make. We made Taco Pasta, which was a recipe I found on Pinterest. It was delicious. Then we sat and talked for the next 5 hours. We didn't watch a movie, there was no music, all we did was talk, and it was absolutely wonderful. Ben's pretty great. The best part was as he had to leave since visitation hours were almost done, he asked me, "Rachel, could I hug you?" Gah, of course I said yes. It was the most awesome thing ever. =))))
I chilled with Tori and Montana for awhile before having to move myself into my bed since my eyelids were drooping.
Tonight was great. Today was great. Life's great.
Thank you, God, for this miraculously awesome life I am blessed to live ♥
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
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