Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Year 2 Day 61

Back at it again on a Monday morning.

Except it really wasn't back at it because I was up early, ready to go, ate my breakfast, then got to Physics and found out Royuk had the flu and didn't have a chance to email us. Which meant I didn't have two of my classes today. I'll take that I guess. I definitely got some work done in that off time.

I went to chapel, then stayed to listen to the MLK day speaker. His name was James Brooks, and he was quite the lively speaker. He is the pastor at a church in Lawndale community, which is outside of Chicago. The community experiences some of the most horrible statistics out there, but he said the way he sees God working through the situation is remarkable.

Because we had that speaker, I didn't have Faith and Life class today. So I got some more work done before eating lunch.

Interp ended my day of classes, and we picked our Exegetical verses today!!!!! Psalm 27 and me are about to become really tight. I love that one :)

After Interp, we had a quick iPad meeting where we compared apps, then I went to the computer lab to make the IM 6v6 volleyball schedule.

We had a captain's meeting, then went to play soccer with our recruit, Christine. She was pretty good. Got over her nerves pretty quickly, so that was good!!

Dinner, then soccer practice ended the night. It was great to get back into the swing of things. We also got our laundry bags back!!

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

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