Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Year 2 Day 6


I slept in til like 8:45 and it felt real good.

I went to breakfast, chapel, and class with Taylor.

Psych of Exceptionality was really good today. We had a guest speakers, and it was just really cool to see how God works in all situations and all people.

I ate lunch with like all of the soccer team at one table :)

I did some homework, then went to lab.

The pictures were from lab today. We made nylon and recyclable #6 plastic. I felt like a real scientist.

After lab came more homework, dinner, then O Chem study sesh.

Then I did stats for the basketball game. Our girls rock :) Kristen Conahan got her 1000th point. #beast

I can't believe I get paid to do that job. Love it!

Then I hung out with my roomies. U just love them.

Year 2 Day 5 It's always a good time ♫


Back to the swing of things. But only three more weeks of the semester! Booyah!

In Old Testament, we talked about Amos and Hosea. I have learned so much from this class!!

In Physics, we talked about Special Relativity.

I got a nice chat in with Anna talking about how awesome God is, and Ehud, the left handed King who couldn't have done God's work if he hasn't been left handed, and lots of other cool things.

In Piano, well we simply played piano.

I didn't have to go to O-Chem today because I already took the test, so I just headed back to my room.

Audrey and I got a nice workout in. We lifted and biked and ellipticalled. That's now a verb in my book.

Afterwards, I did some homework, then us four went to eat some dinner.
I got a package from my youth group :) Yay! And it had an iTunes card in it! Yay! And Starburst!!

Aud, Taylor, and I went to the library quick since Taylor needed a book for her Science book report.

We did homework, I went to Fidelity, then we won a nail biter in our dodgeball game, then I went back to Fidelity, then did some homework while watching Once Upon A Time :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Year 2 Day 4 This is the day (This is the day) ♫

Church this morning was great. Pastor Meyer, our new Pastor preached and it was so great.

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it :)

I packed up, took a snooze, then hit the road back to Seward.

Dani and Bekah are absolutely hilarious :)

We made it back around 8:00, then unloaded the car.

Taylor got back, then we unpacked more.

Then Audrey and Lou returned.

Then we had an unpacking party. Now, bedtime :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Year 2 Day 3 We all wanna be somebody, we’re willing to go but not that far ♫

Saturday. I can't believe break is already done!! I will be home again soon though, so that will be good.

I woke up and did my lab reports and some other homework.

Then I went out to lunch with the lovelies Michelle and Olivia. We went to Perkins, and it was delicious :)

Afterwards I went to the shops around town with my mom and sis. We also went to Target and found some Christmas presents. Booyah!

We ate supper then Mom and I went to Walmart to get groceries. Our room was quite barren of food, so now we are stocked up. Thanks Mom!!

I came backed and finished working on my Ed portfolio :) I think I am nearly finished.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Year 2 Day 2 - But You're here with me, and that's all I need to know ♫

Today was ultimately just a boring, sit on my butt kind of day. But oh well, I guess I probably needed it.

Leah and I finished catching up on Once Upon A Time via ProjectFreeTV.

After that, I just felt bored with nothing to do. I was going stir crazy.

My dad made his normal Turkey Noodle Soup. It was pretty delicious.

We didn't really have any leftovers from yesterday, so that was kinda depressing. Probably better for me in the long run, though.

I brainstormed some Christmas gift ideas for people. It's probably gonna be a crafty year, as a downpayment for Haiti still needs to be made, and a passport needs to be paid for.

I eventually went down to my room to do some homework ahead of time, but I got sidetracked, and never ended up doing it. Oh well lol.

Year 2, Day 1 Praise God from who all blessings flow ♫

Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!

I love today. It's gotta be the greatest holiday there is. Especially because we have it at our house :)

We cleaned up the house in the morning, then my mom's side of the family came over. Now, this year was the small side, which meant my aunt and her family went to my uncle's side this year, and one of my uncles and his family went to my aunt's side. Which left my Uncle Greg, Aunt Pat, Mark, Tracry and Matt, and Grandma and Grandpa. David couldn't make it this time cuz he went to see Allie :) I can't wait for him to ask her to marry him.

The food was yummy, the nap was great, and the company was excellent. My grandpa was telling us (me and Leah) about his college escapade, and how he went to college the hard way, but he has definitely showed our whole family what it means to work hard. He only took night classes through the University of MN, so what he would do is get up at 4am to study, that way he had time to spend with his family in the afternoons and evening before night class. He did this for 5 years. How cool is that!

My grandma was so cute today too. After we had all eaten pie, I was sitting in the rocking chair just watching the football game, and she comes up and says "Now, I was reading your articles from soccer, and I just wanted to tell you how wonderful a granddaughter I have." Ahh, thanks Grandma :)

After the family peaced out, Leah and I watched Once Upon A Time for the rest of the night. I am almost caught up!!

Life can't really get any better than this. And every time I say that, God goes and shows me it can.